21/22 Academic Year Programme and the ESF

21/22 Academic Year Programme and the ESF

14 September 2021

Many students are starting or returning to their studies this month. The
EAGE Student Fund will be supporting a range of activities to help them
gain access to learning resources, tap into the international community and
make the transition from university to career as smooth as possible.

A return to in-person meetings

This academic year we will likely see a gradual return of in-person
meetings. Other students will continue to connect online. As as result, the
Fund will support both in person activities as well as online meetings such
as our student webinar programme and e-Summits series.

Programmes organized at EAGE meetings will have a hybrid component –
including both onsite as well as online activities.

Multidisciplinary approach

Subsurface challenges require a multi-disciplinary approach. Only by
combining a solid understanding of geology, geophysics, engineering,
modelling and geochemistry (amongst others!) can key questions be

For that reason, activities supported will span a wide range of topics,
including deep dives into geoscience as well as soft skills and future career
development. Team challenges, such as the 2022 Laurie Dake Challenge, will
be a key opportunity for students to put these skills to the test.

We’re excited about the year ahead! If you’re interested in supporting us
please donate to our cause, or get involved. Thank you!

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator