Congratulations class of 2020!

Congratulations class of 2020!

17 July 2020

Are you graduating this summer? Congratulations for getting your degree
in what must be one of the most challenging academic years to graduate –
doing it all from home is not easy after all! Congratulations to making it and
we hope you have a change to celebrate with your friends and family. As we
can imagine you’ll have a lot to look forward to post-graduation, we’re
sharing a quick check-list to smoothly transition between years.

Our post-grad check-list

  • Are you a member of an existing EAGE Student Chapter? Make sure to
    transfer your tasks to a fellow student still at university to keep your
    chapter strong!
  • Moving to a new university for your postgraduate studies? Check
    whether an EAGE chapter is already active there and see how you can
    get involved.
  • Make sure to keep your contact details up to date. We know keeping
    address details up to date is not the most exciting thing on your list
    right now – we’ve been there 😉 However, if you want to stay in the
    know, make sure we can reach you on a valid email address.
  • Rather than shelving your thesis, consider presenting it! The EAGE
    Student Fund offers a variety of opportunities to have yours
    included at (online) conferences or workshops.
  • Did you manage to secure an interesting job or that land dream
    postgraduate course? Sounds like you’ve got a great story for a future
    Student e-Summit. Drop us a line if you’re keen to be one of our future

Finally, if you’re up for it… consider giving back by making a donation to the
EAGE Student Fund
! Your support definitely helps us provide the same
experiences to the next group of students.

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator