Our e-Summit, summarized.

Our e-Summit, summarized.

30 April, 2020

Earlier today, the first ever Student e-Summit took place! The initiative
builds on a central element of the EAGE Student Fund Mission: to connect
student communities globally. With in-person meetings being problematic,
e-Summits help to fill the gap!

Rather than merely receiving information, the summit aims to actively
engage students to shape the narrative around student engagement and
discuss relevant themes with other students and (young) professionals.
Students can indicate their interest to participate as panelists and, by doing
so, play an active role within dedicated e-Summits together with peers from
across the globe.

Today’s summit focussed on ‘Staying Connected in Times of Self-Isolation’.
With panelists coming from Malaysia, South Africa, France and Germany
this summit proved to be a solid start. Students play a key part in shaping
the future of these e-Summits as they have an active say in the direction of
future editions. For that reason, one can also expect scientific discussions,
skills acquisition and recruitment in the months to follow.

Make sure to stay in the loop on future editions of the e-Summit through the
dedicated webpage. If you are keen to contribute, do get in touch!

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator