Germany opens a new EAGE student chapter

Germany opens a new EAGE student chapter

3 October 2019

Since September 2019, RWTH Aachen University, Germany’s largest technical university
is home to the newest EAGE Student Chapter. The chapter was initiated by students of the master
programme Applied Geosciences with specialisation on Energy and Mineral Resources focusing
strongly on the E&P related topics but also on emerging geothermal topics. It will be led by
Alexander Jüstel, and will be supported by the vice president Luis Alberto Pizano Wagner,
secretary Alexander von Schéele and treasurer Mohamed Moursy as well as several student

The EAGE Student Chapter is the second student association within the Department of
Geosciences and Geography next to the already existing SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
Student Chapter. The current board aims at merging these two student chapters in order
to create synergies and provide the most benefits for the student members of both chapters.
The EAGE Student Chapter can thereby use the pre-existing infrastructure and contacts of
the SPE student chapter which has established tight relations with members of the
university, representatives from industry in Germany and internationally but also other
student associations such as the local student council.

As RWTH Aachen University is close to the EAGE Headquarters in Houten, the Netherlands,
tight connections to the EAGE representatives are aimed to be established, too. This could
be realized by Student Lecturers Tours by EAGE representatives at RWHT Aachen University to
further elaborate on the opportunities with EAGE. As RWTH Aachen University is
known for its international connections throughout the industry and academic world,
the freshly founded EAGE Student Chapter aims at giving even more companies a
chance to present themselves, their fields of expertise, and internship possibilities or
graduation programmes for students of various study programmes. The student chapter
would like to provide an opportunity to all interested students to expand their professional
network to get a job right after graduating.

The newly established EAGE Student Chapter at RWTH Aachen University would like to
thank the EAGE Student Fund for the opportunity to promote the development and
application of geosciences and related engineering subjects, to promote innovation and
technical progress and to foster the communication, fellowship and cooperation between
the industry and local Aachen students according to the mission of the ESF.

The chapter would like to invite interested companies and representatives to share their
expertise during a technical talk or workshop at RWTH Aachen University or during a
company visit.

We  are going to organize the 9th International Geosciences Student Conference (IGSC),
5-11 June  2020 in the The RWTH Aachen University. The scientific purpose of this conference
is to provide a platform for students to present their current research and thesis work to
other students from around the world, scientists from different universities and research institutes,
industry representatives, and sponsors.  With this opportunity, students will have an impact on
the geoscience community, exchange ideas, enhance their knowledge, and expand their
professional network. Also, we plan to conduct soft skills workshops in order to strengthen
and expand participating students speaking and presenting skills. The chapter also invites
other EAGE Students Chapters to participate in the Conference and take the chance to visit the
historic city of Aachen and to explore the many possibilities at this university or to
organize a joint event in Aachen or at the respective Student Chapter´s university.
Please contact the chapter president Alexander Jüstel if you are interested in organizing such events.

The EAGE Student Chapter Board of the RWTH Aachen University at the EAGE Booth,
in the SEG 2019 Conference.

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator