SC Aberdeen talks about their recent accomplishments

SC Aberdeen talks about their recent accomplishments

The Aberdeen University Student Chapter is one of the most recent
chapters established with the support of the ESF. Active from the get-go, we
would be happy to share the first report on the varied activities of the

This spring, members of the Aberdeen University Student Chapter visited
Spireslack Surface Coal Mine located in Glenbuck, East Ayrshire, Scotland.
The mine exposures offer a perfect opportunity to observe geological
structures common within the subsurface. The trip was organized
together with AAPG Student Chapter, with many thanks to our field trip
leaders Graham Leslie and Mike Browne (BGS).

The student chapter in Aberdeen was formed just a year ago by Carlos
Colombo, a Geophysics Master student. The reelection of a new committee
was carried out on October last year.
The new committee predominantly consists of Petroleum Geoscience
students. However, the student chapter includes also geophysics and
reservoir engineers students. Therefore, the chapter is multi-disciplinary.

EAGE Student Chapter has organized a number of social and educational
events such as visiting the Aberdeen Maritime Museum to learn the history
of Aberdeen’s oil industry.

Members firstly participated in the Laurie Dake Challenge and Online Quiz.
They also attend the Aberdeen local chapter events regularly. The Aberdeen
University Student Chapter would like to thank our Faculty Advisor, Dr.
David G. Cornwell and Paul Mitchell, local Chapter President, for all their
continued support in establishing, renewing and helping maintain good
communication regarding upcoming events and topics. We look forward to
excruciating similar future events to enhance student learning experience
and engagement within the industry.

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator