Online Geo-Quiz coming up

Online Geo-Quiz coming up

28 February 2019

The geo-quiz is one of the main ESF competitions to challenge students on
their geoscientific knowledge and stimulate multi-disciplinary team work.
To have a chance of winning, teams should after all be able to answer a
wide variety of questions!

In addition to the geo-quizzes organised at events and student gatherings,
the fund also supports the online EAGE geo-quiz, a challenge specifically
created for student chapters. Last year, student chapter representatives
from Tomsk Polytechnic University, the University of Calgary and Cracow
University were the winners of the online geo-quiz.

Online geo-quiz for Student Chapters

Participation to the online quiz is open to all registered EAGE Student
Chapters. All chapter members can chip in to answer the questions,
competing to become one of the three highest scoring student chapters.

The three highest scoring teams will receive financial support from the ESF
to send three chapter representatives to attend the 81st EAGE Annual
Conference and Exhibition. This year, the conference takes place from 3-6
June 2019 in London, UK. The winning teams will also take part in the
global geo-quiz taking place during the London conference and compete
with more than fifty other teams in a chance to become the global winner.

Registration and participation

All student chapter representatives will receive an invitation to register for the online Geo-quiz on 11 March. Chapter interested in participating should register by 15 March.

During the quiz you and your team will have to answer 20 multiple choice
questions within a 25 minutes time frame. Once time is up, the quiz will
automatically close. For that reason, make sure to be both fast and have a
stable internet connection!

Remember to work together and may the best student chapters win!

Good luck!

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator