New chapter begins for students at Curtin University

New chapter begins for students at Curtin University

21 February 2019

The New Year has ushered in a new EAGE student chapter at Curtin
University, Perth, Australia. This follows six months of rigorous effort by
the student community working in the exploration geophysics and
petroleum engineering disciplines at Western Australia School of Mines
(WASM), Curtin University. The result has been the successful opening of
a student chapter in collaboration with EAGE.

Inauguration new student chapter

The inauguration was held on 17 January 2019 in the presence of the
student chapter office bearers, other faculty members and students of the
university. Prof Andrej Bona, who acts as the faculty advisor of EAGE Curtin
University Student Chapter, conveyed his best wishes for the success of the
chapter. Partha Pratim Mandal, the president of the Chapter said: ‘This is
one of the chapters thoroughly dedicated to geosciences where the student
will get direct benefit through connection with global geoscientists and

The present office bearer team members (Nilesh Kumar Jha, Mohammad
Atif Iqbal, Zixing Qin and Gonzalo Ceron) and Alexy Yurikov (research
scholar, exploration geophysics) contributed significantly in the
chapter formation and inauguration event. Introductory speeches at the
ceremony were given by Sofya Popik, PhD student, exploration geophysics
and Lukman Johnson, PhD student, Petroleum Engineering. They all
extolled the merits of ESF and the value of the EAGE chapter to students.

Both talks were very relevant to present ongoing geoscience research
activities such as the implications of CO2 injection and unconventional
resource exploration.

Curtin University and the ESF

Curtin University students say the vision of the chapter is to engage with
local and global industry as well other geoscience organization such as
ASEG, PESA, SPE and SEG through organizing technical events, and
workshops as well as mentoring and other relevant activities which directly
benefit students to achieve their future goals. The mission of the
chapter is to narrow the communication between students, industry and
research organizations and provide opportunities for students to enhance
their technical and professional skills.

Curtin University is Western Australia’s largest and most culturally diverse
university with Australia’s third largest international student population. It
is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide in the Academic Ranking
of World Universities 2018. The ESF is happy to welcome the university’s
involvement and is looking forward to help its students to gain new skills
and opportunities.

About the author

EAGE Community Manager administrator